200% trust on ALLAH!

200% trust on ALLAH!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

black hawk down

salam ramadhan readers,


just finished watching black hawk down @channel berbayar Astro.

terpanggil untuk mencoretkan sesuatu:

1)perlukah tentera amerika masuk campur urusan perang saudara di Mogadishu? (they claimed, somalian militan had killed thousand civillians).

2)adakah benar tentera amerika nak berperang atau keputusan diambil oleh pemimpin
meraka yang ingin menonjolkan amerika ialah pengaman dunia?

3)Jeneral Aidid's words are reasonable. Even he was dead, their peoples, their cultures, their spirits, their minds were remain the same.... negotiotian through war.

4)pakistan-muslim, somalia-muslim=neighbour but........ really sad....

5)19 american soldiers dead, thousand somalian dead = muslim terorrists.

I feel bad for those who are dead, both side..... it will be better if there's NO Wars at all....

1 comment:

  1. Olin.. aku mmg tak pernah paham kenapa US suka masuk campur hal negara orang.. ko jaga negara ko sendiri dah ler kan? If nak tolong atas dasar "kesian kat public" itu bukan caranyer..
